Thursday, 14 May 2015

Non-school uniform days

Faced with an unexpected and rapidly looming non-school uniform day, I was once again forced to take a long hard look at my wardrobe. As most secondary school girls will know, one cannot wear the same exact outfit twice without being judged by mean faux-popular girls and spoilt rich brats. Therefore, as per usual, I was reduced to a quivering mess of turmoil when I found, as always, there is nothing in my wardrobe which has not been worn to school before, or that doesn't look like it belongs to my 5-year old cousin.

What does a girl do when faced with an outfit (or lack of outfit) dilemma? Answer: head straight on over to Primark, which I proceeded to do with great haste. After quickly skimming the children's section and finding nothing, I sadly headed upstairs to the womenswear section. let me explain my situation to readers baffled as to why a nearly-15 year old still looks in the children's section. I am one of those awful people who will buy anything that looks vaguely alright, and since I don't have a whole load of money or self-discipline right now, I try to stay out of the way of things which may tempt me. Also, I find the number of clothes really overwhelming and I just DON'T KNOW where to start!

Since we had a non-school uniform last Friday, I noticed that literally every girl in about 2 tutor groups were wearing THE EXACT SAME THING! I'm not sure whether it was coordinated, or if it's just some extraordinary new fashion shift I had no idea about (it wouldn't surprise me). Every single one was wearing black skinny jeans, converse and a denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up. it was really weird, I felt like I was gate-crashing some strange and exclusive meeting.

As I am a part-time metaphorical sheep, I jumped on the bandwagon and bought me myself a nice pair of black skinnies for only £7! combined with a lovely charcoal ribbed vest with lace edged straps and my denim jacket, I was sorted. the only problem was that while I found my lovely new outfit, I spotted about 10 other items that I fell in love with. in my mind, that was a cause for immediate action, and so after school the next day, I once again hurried along to Primark to spend another afternoon revelling clothes that i'm not going to buy. In fact I actually went into that changing room 4 times in 2 days. that's got to be some kind of record!

To my embarrassment, it was the same guy at the fitting room as the day before, the guy who knows that I only buy about one thing out of 10. he literally beams every time he sees me. it's actually a bit weird... anyway on the second day I bought some darn cute lifeguard-style shorts, that are red with white piping. I have literally lived in them since, even if that means having to stay in my bed or cocoon myself in a blanket in front of the TV, its worth it cos I feel so athletic and summery (kinda ironic I know)

so now I have my outfit, and all I have left to do is to hope that some new fad hasn't been born since
wish me luck,
poppy xx 

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